Grammars and Grammar Maintenance Tools

Name Author Description
Systemic Grammar Repository John Bateman Description: A repository for various KPML grammars for English, Dutch, German, Greek, etc. Maintained by John Bateman. 
Macquarie Systemic Modelling Group Description: Various tools for dealing with Language, including: 
  • SysRef 1.0: A tool for managing and developing accounts of lexicogrammatical and semantic systems. It is to serve as a new generation of computational systemic reference grammar.
  • SysConc 2.5 : A tool for extracting linguistic paterns from a large corpus of texts.
  • SysGraph 1.1 : A tool for graphing systemic networks.
  • SysGloss 1.0 : A multilingual glossary of systemic functional linguistic terms.
All tools at present for Macintosh only. See for details. 
Genesys Tadashi Kumano,
Takenobu Tokunaga,
Kentaro Inui,
Hozumi Tanaka
Description: An integrated environment for developing Systemic grammars. Designed by Tadashi Kumano, Takenobu Tokunaga, Kentaro Inui, Hozumi Tanaka, Dept. of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology. 

For More Information: email:
Availability: Unknown. 
Platforms: Sun running SICStus Prolog. 

Graphical Editor for System networks Mick O'Donnell Description: I have graphical editing tools for Systemic grammars. The Java/Swing version handles KPML formalism, and you can add your own formalisms. The Tcl version is somewhat better developed but does not handle KPML formalism, exporting to my own formalism (used by the Coder and also my parsers).

For More Information: email:
Availability: On request
Platforms: any platform for the Java version, the Tcl version should also work on most, except Macs