Educational Materials That Have Already Been Developed

Websites for Teaching with SFL

Educational Publications

A list of publications (compiled by John Knox) to help in teaching. See here.

Disadvanged Schools Programme

A catalogue of DSP materials can be obtained by writing to:

Att: Ted Rodgers
State Equity Centre
11-13 Swanson Street
Erskineville  NSW 2043

Tel: 00-61-2-95825860 Fax:  00-61-2-9550 2874.

1. Genre and Grammar Resource Materials available under Literacy and learning Program (all prices in Australian dollars):
Title Price Description
The Staff Development Kit $200 Materials to improve learning in the junior secondary years.
Resource Book $20 designed as a resource for teachers to provide a detailed reference to the genres and grammar of learning. The book is in 4 parts: 
  1. Part One deals with the relationship of language , knowledge and grammar. Grammar is seen as a functional resource for understanding the way knowledge is coded in the subject areas. 
  2. Part Two provides a detailed description and explnation of the genres of school writing:
    • Describing
    • Explaining 
    • Instructing
    • Arguing
    • Narrating
  3. Part Three acts as a detailed glossry of grammatical terms considered essential for a functional control of the above genres. The emphasis is of two leavels; grammar at the level of text, and grammar at the level of the sentence. 
  4. Part 4 outlines a model for the teaching/learning process of this approach to literacy education. While attention is given to language development, teachers are given a frmaework for effectively intervening and promoting language development appropriate to the language demands of the disciplines.
English KLA book $20 Deals with 5 units of work covering spoken genres such as retelliing and oral reporting, moving through the written genres of recounting, describing, explaining and arguing. Contains assessment tasks and links between teaching objectives and teaching/learning activities. Also blackline masters for producing OHT's and handouts.
Human Society and its Environment (HSIE) Key Learning Areas (KLA) Book $20
Science KLA Book $12
Maths KLA Book  $12
Creative Arts KLA Book $12
Technical and Applied Studies (TAS) KLA Book  $10
PD/Health /PE KLA Book  $10
Video on Learning to Write  $50  (40 minutes)
Staff Development Manual  $20
Teaching Narrative Writing  $20 deals with ways to explicitly teaching some of the techniques of creative writing. There are 3 units of work that move from the basic structure and grammar of narrative writing to approaches for teaching metaphor, rhythm and vocie. OHT's and handouts.

2. "WRITE it RIGHT" Resouces for Literacy and Learning (All reports of research for the teacher written by educators under the guidance of the Linguists at Sydney University).
Title Price
the Report Genre $20
The Discussion Genre $20
English Resource Pack $120
A Model for Literacy in Subject Learning $20
Scientifuc Literacy $50

The Primary English Teaching Association

The Primary English Teaching Association has developed a new, genre-based video package:

 Derewianka, B. 1991. Exploring how texts work: the video. Sydney: Primary English Teaching Association.

 Enquiries to:

  • Primary English Teaching Association

  • PO Box 167, Rozelle,
    NSW 2039, Australia.

The Language In The School Curriculum (LiSC) project

The Language In The School Curriculum (LiSC) project instigated by the Australian Linguistics Society has been funded by the Academy of the Humanities (actually DDETYA, via the ARC and the Academy) in response to what is regarded as the need for discipline renewal in knowledge about language in Australian primary and secondary education . The question is whether systemic functional linguistics is given the attention in this project that is warranted by its current level of application in schooling and in teacher education in Australia.

 Visit the LiSC website ( for more details on the project. 

Mark A. Bell: A Curriculum Proposal for spoken English communication

Mark Bell has put a curriculum proposal for spoken English communication in an EFL setting on his web-site. The design was influenced by SFL concepts - especially differences between spoken and written language. You can find it at: Comments appreciated.