Teaching of Systemic Functional Linguistics: Australia
Macquarie University
Department of Linguistics
Assoc. Professor David Butt
Assoc. Professor Christian Matthiessen
Dr Annabelle Lukin
Professor Pam Peters
Dr Alison Moore
Dr Canzhong Wu
Maria Herke
John Knox
Prof. Anne Burns
Courses at Macquarie cover every level from first year to
postgraduate. See full list of undergraduate courses here.
Postgraduate courses are shown here.
NOTE: Macquarie offer many of the postgraduate courses via distance
learning, including completion of doctorate degrees entirely online.
Some selected courses include:
Undergraduate Units |
Ling 120 |
Living English |
a very basic introduction taken largely, but not exclusively
by students
majoring in education, media, literature, and cultural studies. 'Using
functional grammar: An explorer's guide' (1995 reprinted 1996 and 1997)
NCELTR, Sydney is a product of this unit. The 1997 edition includes an
index , answers to the exercises, and corrections to the publisher's
in earlier editions. |
Ling 211 |
Grammar and Meaning |
introduces the basic tools of functional grammar to
linguistics students.
This is a core unit in a coherent linguistics major. |
Ling 215 |
The Linguistic Interpretation of Text |
uses functional tools to critique culturally significant
texts. |
Ling 248 |
Analysing New Media |
Explores various kinds of new electronic media, and examines
them in terms of contrasting approaches to discourse, including SFL |
Ling 317 |
Corpus Linguistics |
Ling 318 |
Grammar and Meaning in a Multilingual, Typological
Perspective |
This unit surveys areas of meaning that are central to the
grammar of any language and explores how these areas of meaning are
grammaticalised in different languages, identifying patterns of
congruence and incongruence across languages. The focus is on languages
other than English, including Chinese, French, Japanese, Tagalog and
Vietnamese. Examples from languages are selected to bring out whole
grammatical systems (such as transitivity or mood) rather than isolated
categories. This unit is intended to help students develop descriptions
of languages other than English and to work in a multilingual context,
as in translation. |
Ling 319 |
Grammar and Semantics - Systemic Organisation |
models language as choice |
Ling 320 |
Grammar, Semantics and Context - Stratification and Variation |
this unit attends to contextual features |
Postgraduate Units |
Ling 900
Grammar, meaning and discourse |
This core unit of the MA in Applied Linguistics introduces
the tools of SF grammar |
Ling 907 |
Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature |
Systemic functional grammar also informs Ling 913
Ling 915 translation and terminology, and Ling 919 Communication in the
Workplace at post graduate levels.
Maria Herke teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in text
analysis, grammar and meaning and communication skills, including units
on the Masters of Translation & Interpreting and the Masters of
Applied Linguistics. She convenes the distance units, LING900, LING907
and LING991 and is currently convening LING900 internal.
National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research
Susan Feez
SF: NCELTR at Macquarie University delivers a Postgraduate
in TESOL. This course is offered to both full time and part time
and in on campus and distance mode. (At present I am the
of the course.)
The subjects are as follows:
- Ling 950: Linguistics for the language teacher: The
is based on systemic functional linguistics but is adapted to the needs
of beginning language teachers many of whom have no background in
or grammar of any kind.
- Ling 951: Sociocultural aspects of language teaching and
This course includes topics which relate to systemics, for example,
and culture, language and language learning and critical literacy.
- Ling 952: Language teaching methodology: This course is
a text-based (genre) approach to teaching language.
More information about the course can be found on the website at http://www.nceltr.mq.edu.au
Department of Critical & Cultural Studies
Dr. Anne Cranny-Francis
University of Sydney
Department of Linguistics
Jim Martin (jmartin@mail.usyd.edu.au)
teaches 4
SFLcourses a year - 3 in the undergraduate program and 1 in the MA.
Courses for 2008 include:
- LNGS2603 - Functional
Grammar: This unit takes a functional view of grammar, considering
the ways in
which English is organised to build up our picture of reality, to
enable us to interact in conversation and to make our contribution
coherent and relevant. It is designed to give students analysis skills
in the analysis of ideational, interpersonal and textual meaning in the
clause, the nature of inter-clausal relations, and the structure of
nominal, verbal and adverbial groups and prepositional phrases.
- LNGS2604 - Discourse
Analysis: provides an introduction to discourse analysis, which is
concerned with
the way in which texts are organised in relation to their social
context. In linguistics, the term 'discourse' covers both a) the
organisation of linguistic units above the sentence level (cohesion),
and b) language in use or context (register and genre). The course will
include analysis of texts combining language with image, from the
perspective of critical discourse analysis.
- LNGS3692 - Media
Discourse: examines discourse-analytic approaches to media
communication. The
discourse of advertising and gender discourses in the media will form a
special focus of the course. W e explore the politics of media
discourses, the ways in which social identities are constructed in the
media, differences between communication in various media (print,
radio, TV, the internet), the rhetoric of persuasion, and the
discourses of popular culture. The framework derives from functional
linguistics and critical discourse analysis, as well as cultural
At a postgraduate level, Jim Martin will teach in 2008:
- LNGS7004 - Register
and Genre in English: Introduction to the theory of genre and
register; differences between
grammatical and discourse structures; discussion of basic discourse
systems; speech function and exchange structure, conjunction and
continuity - reference - lexical cohesion; the interaction of discourse
and grammar: cohesive harmony, method of development and argumentation;
relations between language, register and genre; discussion of register
systems; introduction to genre; schematic structure; code in relation
to genre, register and language.
The department also offers an "offshore" Master of Applied Functional
Linguistics for off-shore delivery at Sun Yat Sen University in
Guangzhou, China.
Department of English
Rosemary Huisman takes a Systemic approach
in teaching in the English Dept. The English Dept has several courses
SFL: 240 students in a first year course called Language in
70 in second/third year in an SFG course and 12 -15 annually in an MA
Department of French Studies
Alice Caffarel (alice.caffarel@french.usyd.edu.au)
teaches the following Systemic courses in the
French dept.:
- Second & third year courses:
- Introduction à la linguistique systémique
to French systemic functional Grammar).
- La linguistique textuelle (Cohesion in French)
- Fourth year course: La grammaire du texte (Discourse analysis)
Division of Professional Learning
The Division of Professional Learning also
offers some
short courses relevant to SFL:
- Learning
to Read: Reading to Learn: David Rose presents his innovative
approach through a teachers professional
development program. The program is applicable from
middle primary to all high school levels.
- Certificate
of Grammar and Discourse Across the Curriculum:
This course is aimed particularly at teachers of Stages 2-5 and aims to
make explicit the SFL framework of the NSW K-6 syllabus and extend it
to the discourse level. A great companion course for Learning to Read:
Reading to Learn.
UTS- University of
Technology, Sydney
Division of Language and Literacy
Pauline Gibbons
Jenny Hammond
Mary Macken-Horarik
Chris Nesbitt
Hermine Scheeres
Diana Slade
John Walsh
DS: "In our department we run postgraduate courses in TESOL, Adult
Education, LOTE, Numeracy, and an Applied Linguistics strand will be
next year. We have a 2.5 year articulated program starting with the
Certificate leading to the Graduate Diploma and then in the final year
to the Masters course. Our language subjects are: Introduction to
text and discourse 1, 2 and 3 (the names are changing this year) where
1 is introduction to language in social contexts, 2 is lexicogrammar
discourse and 3 is discourse analysis. In addition the subjects
with TESOL curriculum and mehtodology, ESP and assessment all include
aspects of lexicogrammatical and discourse descriptions as well as
University of New South Wales
School of English, Media &
Performing Arts
Louise Raveli
Gillian Fuller
Several undergraduate courses with SFL content are taught, including
(for 2008):
- ENGL2820 Analysing
Communication (LR) Develops a set of analytical tools which
focus on the grammar and discourse patterns of a variety of texts from
different genres and registers, including literary, academic, media and
everyday texts. Relates communication to its socio-cultural context and
develops skills in interrogating and critiquing meanings made through
- ENGL2821 Visual Communication (LR)
- MDCM2000 Researching
and Writing for New Media (GF) - Studies formative innovative
audiovisual texts and multimedia works.
Introduces practices of researching and writing for audiovisual media
and multimedia. Students concentrate on one area related to their media
production specialisation. Script writing conventions, genres and
presentation formats will be studied, and creative works developed
ready for production.
School of Languages
and Linguistics
Peter Collins
University of Western Sydney
Cate Poynton
David McInness
John Collerson
Katina Zammit (Lecturer - Primary Literacy, k.zammit@uws.edu.au)
Jon Callow
KZ: "Myself and Jon Callow teach SFG in context of literacy and
subjects in undergraduate per-service teaching degree at Unversity of
Sydney, Macarthur. I also teach post-graduate subject ( conversion to
year - Bed subject) Functional Grammar and children´s literacy."
Wollongong University
English Language Studies (Faculty of Arts):
Elizabeth Thomson (coordinator)
Carmel Cloran
Gaetano Rando
Faculty of Education:
Bev Derewianka
Jan Wright
ET: The English Language Studies (ELS) major in the
Faculty of Arts is
a course of study which investigates the nature of academic English
using Systemic-Functional Linguistic methodologies. The ELS major has
a native and non-native English stream at 100 level. Students can
also choose between a Professional English stream and a Teaching
English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) stream from second
year. The majors includes a core subject, Introduction to
systemic-functional linguistics which equips the student to use SF
theory in an applied context in the other subjects in the major.
There is also an Honours Program and PG course options.
University of Melborne
Department of Language Literacy and Arts Education
Fran Christie (f.christie@edfac.unimelb.edu.au)
Graeme Baker
Kristina Love
FC: "At the Master's level, I teach: one subject on the Functional
a follow up subject called Writing Development from Childhood to
which builds on the SF grammar, and uses genre based theories. I also
several master's and PhD students using SF theory.
Others in the Department who use SF theory to inform pre-service
education programs are:
- Graeme Baker, who teachers in the Bachelor of Education, and in
in the post graduate Bachelor of Teaching
- Kristina Love, who teaches in the two post graduate
programs of
Diploma of Education and the Bachelor of Teaching.
Monash University
Terry Threadgold
Deakin University
Dr. Ghodra Kamyab
Dr. Ghodra Kamyab has been introducing systemic functional linguistics to students of TESOL and LOTE at Master level.
Students who take ECL753 (Linguistics for language teachers) practice using SFL to analyse authentic texts
written by ESL students at different levels of proficiency.
Queensland University of Technology
Linda Gerot
Central Queensland University
School of Contemporary Communication
Susan Yell,
I teach social semiotics and elements of SFL to communication and
students in a 2nd/3rd year subject called Communication Genres. I
find the students need to work fairly hard to become skilled in
some basic
linguistic tools to the analysis of texts, but that the benefits are
clear, particularly in unpacking interpersonal meanings through
modality/modulation. This subject also uses Halliday's work on
speech functions alongside critical discourse analysis.
relations (field, tenor and mode) are also taught in a first year
called Introduction to Communication and Culture, taught by Tony
and I. We wrote the textbook for this subject (Communication and
Literacy) with a strong social semiotic bent.
Northern Territory
Northern Territory University
Peter Wignell
South Australia
University of Adelaide
Dept. of Linguistics
Peter White teaches 2 courses in 2nd year, and continues these in
3rd year: (see here
for more information):
2nd Year
LING 2006 Language and Meaning (1st
LING 2011 Mass Communication Discourses
(2nd semester)
3rd year
LING 3006 Language and Meaning (2nd
LING 3011 Mass Communication Discourses
(2nd semester)
At a Masters level, he teaches a similar course:
LING 5004 Language and Meaning (1st
Lexis Education
John Polias
Brian Dare
A company providing a range of expert services in the field of
language, literacy and learning, with a particular focus on the area of
English as a second language.
Their approach is very much based within SFL, and offer some of the
best training
courses in the world in regard to using SFL within the classroom.
For more information, see: http://www.lexised.com/index.htm.
Western Australia
Murdoch University, Perth
School of Humanities
Michael O'Toole
Mari Rhydwen
Antonia Chandarasegaran
School of Education
David Tripp
Institute of Education
Anne Mountford
School of Humanities: SFL has been taught at Murdoch since
when Bob Hodge joined the School of Humanities ex-UEA. He is now at
of Western Sydney, and David Birch went to Central Queensland, so the
here are currently as above. Courses are listed below (all are
courses, ie 13 weeks' teaching).
Introduction to the Study of Language (150 students)
O'Toole] is a Part I course which introduces students to SF analysis
Suzie Eggins' book) and to methods of Critical Linguistics (using a
of papers selected and timed to match the Eggins' chapters). This is a
rigorous and difficult course, which loses some agrammatical students
the first weeks and fills the rest with a great sense of achievement
they see they wood as well as the trees. It is the preparation for:
- Language and Power(30 - 50 students) [Mari Rhydwen]:
II course applying SFL and CritLings to a range of written and oral
in a variety of media. It has had a bias to the reporting and
of Aboriginal problems. The coursebook is Fairclough and the
reader uses papers by the UEA critlinguists + Lemke, Martin, Hasan,
and local specialists on Aboriginal affairs.
- Semiotics of Art (20 - 30 students) [Michael O'Toole] a
(usually 3rd year) course, applying SFL as a general semiotic model to
the analysis of paintings, sculptures and buildings. The course book is
O'Toole (1994), which takes about 8 of the 13 weeks with the students
their own analyses of 2 works (in different media) of their choice. We
then move to a more general semiotic discussion with a reader based on
other semiotic models (Leach, Mukarovsky, Kristeva, Bryson, Bal) and
theories (Wolfflin, Panovsky, Riegl).
- Social Semiotics (60 - 80 students) [Alec McHoul] uses
Kress as a course book, set against a much wider collection of readings
in cultural studies. Here SFL is a kind of methodological trace and
of evidence, rather than being central.
- Language as Ideology (Part of an external MA, 10
Rhydwen] an external course that uses Hodge and Kress book of the same
name and gives the students a fairly free rein to analyse whatever they
are interested in.
Those 4 courses are in the Communication Studies programme. At the same
time there are two Part I courses in the English & Comparative
programme which assume or introduce some basics of SFL:
- Language & Literature (80 - 90 students) [John
and theorising by eg Fowler, Hasan, Birch, Burton form the
third of this course.
- English Language (for 30+ international students)
School of Education: David Tripp runs a Part I course,
Principles of Language and Reading, which is quite heavily influenced
SFL, even though not explicitly practising it.
Institute of Education: Offers: E103: Principles of
and Literacy Section 2: A Functional Approach
to Language. Written & taught by Anne Mountford (mountf@csuvax1.murdoch.edu.au).
Contact: School of Education, Murdoch University, South St, Murdoch,
6150. Ph 09 3606264, Fax 09 3105299.
Edith Cowan University, Perth
Anne Thwaite