Past Systemic Conferences
Year | Number | Place | Website | CFP | Abstracts | Photos |
2024 | 49th | University of NSW, Sydney
| web
| Conf Programme
| 2023 | 48th | Sousse, Tunisia
| web
| Conf ProgrammeInstitute Programme
| 2022 | 47th | Shenzhen University, China
| web
| Programme
| 2019 | 46th | Santiago, Chile
| web
| Programme
| 2018 | 45th | Boston College, Boston, U.S.A. | web | |
| 2017 | 44rd | Wollongong, NSW, Australia | web | |
| 2016 | 43rd | Bandung, Indonesia | web | CFP |
| 2015 | 42th | Aachen, Germany | web | CFP |
Programme, Abstracts |
| 2014 | 41th | Mendoza, Argentina | web | CFP | Plenary Abstracts |
| 2013 | 40th | Guangzhou, China | web | | Paper Abstracts |
| 2012 | 39th | Sydney | web | | Proceedings Paper Abstracts Plenary videos |
| 2011 | 38th | Lisbon | web | | Abstracts Plenary videos | Photos
| 2010 | 37th | Vancouver | web | | Abstracts Some presentations | Photos
| 2009 | 36th | Beijing | web | | Abstracts Plenary PDFs |
| 2008 | 35th | Sydney | web | | Abstracts Proceedings |
| 2007 | 34th | Odense, Denmark | | | | Photos
| 2006 | 33th | São Paulo, Brazil | web | | Proceedings | Photos
| 2005 | 32nd | Sydney | web | | Abstracts | Photos
| 2004 | 31st | Kyoto, Japan | web | cfp | | Photos
| 2003 | 30th | Lucknow, India | web | | Abstracts 1 Abstracts 2 Abstracts 3 | Photos
| 2002 | 29th | Liverpool, England | | | Abstracts | Photos
| 1997 | 24th | Toronto, Canada | | | Abstracts | Photos
March 19-22 | North American SFL Association meeting | Within the AAAL meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |
July 21-23 | Pre-Congress Institute before International SFL Conference | Shenzhen University, China
| July 25-29 | International SFL Conference | Shenzhen University, China | Abstracts by 15 January, 2022
| August 24-26 | European SFL Conference | Odense, Denmark | Abstracts by: 1st March, 2022
| September 23-25 | Australian Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference | Macquarie University, Sydney | Abstracts by: 17th April 2022
| September 30-October 2 | Graduate Student North America Systemic Functional Linguistics Association (GRADNASFLA) Symposium | University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA | Abstracts by: July 17.
| November 23-25 | 17th ALSFAL conference | Universidad Nacional de La Pampa & Universidad Nacional de Cuyo | Videoconferencing only. Abstracts due by 7th May, 2022.
| November 30-Dec. 2 | Forum on Sound Semiotics and Systemic Phonology | Australian Catholic University, North Sydney
July 1-5 | Third International Legitimation Code Theory Conference | Johannesburg, South Africa |
| July 1,2 | Pre-Conference Institute before ESFLC | School of Education and Social Sciences, Leiria, Portugal |
| July 3-5 | European SFL Conference (ESFLC) | Polytechnic Institute, Leiria, Portugal | January 25, 2019
| July 17-19 | Pre-conference institute before ISFC | Santiago, Chile |
| July 22-26 | International SFL Conference (ISFC) | Santiago, Chile | December 17, 2018
| Sept 30-Oct. 1 | Australian SFL Association Pre-conference Institute | University of Sydney |
| Oct. 2-4 | Australian SFL Association Conference | University of Sydney |
| Oct 19-20 | Japanese SFL Association Conference | Hiroshima |
Date |
Conference |
Location |
Deadline |
June 25-26 | The Nottingham Workshop 2018 | Nottingham, U.K. |
| July 5-7 | European SFL Conference | Pavia, Italy |
| July 19-21 | Pre-conference workshops before ISFLA | Boston College, Boston,
| September 3-7 | 5th LinC-Summer School and Workshop on SFL and Register & Context | Aachen, Germany |
| September 26-28 |
Australian Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference | Adelaide, South Australia | 2nd March, 2018
| October 20-21 | International Forum of Systemic Functional Linguistics | Peking University, China | July 15, 2018
| October 8-12 | XIV Latin American SFL Conference | Puebla, Mexico |
Date |
Conference |
Location |
Deadline |
February 17,18 | Ruqaiya
Hasan A Life in Linguistics | Macquarie University, Sydney |
| April 10 | NASFLA
(North American Systemic Functional Linguistics Association) Meeting within AAAL | Fairmont Royal York, Main Mezzanine, Territories (Room 19),
12:45pm to 1:55pm. |
| July 13-15 | European SFL Conference | Salzburg | January 7
| August 31-Sept. 2 | LINC Summer School in SFL | Cardiff, UK |
| September 5-10 | XII Latin-American SFL Conference | Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia |
| September 26 |
Pre-conference institutes before ASFLA | North Sydney campus of The Australian
Catholic University |
| September 27-29 |
Australian Systemic Functional Linguistics Association (ASFLA)
Conference | North Sydney campus of The Australian
Catholic University | April 1, 2016
| December 3-4 |
1st Halliday-Hasan International Forum on Language and Inaugural Lecture Series | Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China | 31 October, 2016
Date |
Conference |
Location |
Deadline |
Feb. 18, 19 | 2nd
Appraisal Symposium | University of New South Wales, Sydney,
Australia | November 30.
| March 26-28 | Tunisian SFL Conference and Workshop | Hammamet, Tunisia | November 30, 2014
| April 10 | North American SFL Association meeting | within the AAAL
Conference, Hilton Orlando, Lake Highland B., Orlando Florida (12:45-1:55pm) |
| April 13-15 | 1st Korean SFL Conference | Pusan National University |
| September 28 | Pre-conference
institute before Australian SFL Association conference | St Lucia campus, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia |
| September 29-Oct. 1 | Australian SFL
Association conference (ASFLA) | St Lucia campus, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia |
| October 26-30 | XI Congreso
ALSFAL | Federal University at Santa Maria (UFSM) and Centro Universitário Franciscano (UNIFRA), Brazil |
| Nov. 6 | Change and diachrony in language and text: a conference in honour of David Banks | Université Paris Diderot |
| Dec. 12-16 | International Conference on Functional Language Typology | Martin Centre for Appliable Linguistics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
| Dec. 18-20 | International Conference on the Language of Evaluation | Jinan, Shandong Province, P. R. China. | October 10
Date |
Conference |
Location |
Deadline |
May 30 | 4th PolySystemic Language and Education Symposium |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
| June 5-8 | Applied Linguistics Perspectives on Content and Language Integrated Learning (ALP-CLIL) |
Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, Spain |
| July 1-3 | 24th European SFL
Conference and Worshop (ESFLCW) |
Coventry, U.K. |
July 8-12 |
Pre-congress Institute before ISFC |
SUN YAT-SEN University, Guangzhou, China | February 15, 2013
July 15-19 |
40th ISFC |
SUN YAT-SEN University, Guangzhou, China | February 15, 2013
July 21-22 |
MUST 5 - Multisystemiotic Talks |
Hong Kong Polytechnic University | April 15, 2013
October 1-3 |
Australian SFL Association meeting |
Melbourne | April 1, 2013.
October 8-11 |
IX Congreso ALSFAL (Latin American SFL Association) |
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | June 15, 2013
October 12, 13 |
JASFL 2013 Autumn Conference |
Kanagawa University, Yokohama, Japan |
Nov. 30-Dec. 1 |
OTF Workshop |
Oita, Japan | October 31, 2013
April 16 |
JASFL Spring Meeting |
Aichi Gakuin University, Sakae Satellite Center, Sakae, Nagoya |
June 10 |
AFLSF Séminaire National (SFL Association of France) |
Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France | Contact David Banks
July 18-22 |
Institute before ISFC 2011 |
University of Lisbon, Portugal |
September 20 |
ASFLA pre-conference day on linguistics in education |
Armidale, NSW |
September 21-23 |
Australian SFL Association conference |
Armidale, NSW | April 15
October 8, 9 |
JASFL Autumn Conference |
Sophia University, Tokyo |
October 19-22 |
VII International Congress of the Latin American Systemic Functional Linguistic Association
Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina | September 10
November 10-12 |
12th Chinese Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference |
Communication University of PLA and the Nanjing Normal University | April 30
November 17-18 |
7th Nordic SFL workshop |
Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden |
Date |
Conference |
Location |
Deadline |
April 7-10 |
Ninth China Systemics Week |
Huazhong Normal University at Huhan, China |
May 8 |
JASFL 2010 Spring Meeting |
Doshisha University (Imadegawa Campus), Kyoto |
July 5-7 |
Summer School before 22nd European SFL Conference and Workshop |
University of Koper, Slovenia |
July 9-12 |
22nd European SFL Conference and Workshop |
University of Koper, Slovenia | February 15 2010
July 12-16 |
Pre-conference Intitute |
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada |
July 18-23 |
37th International Systemic-Functional Congress |
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada |
29 January, 2010
Sept. 27-28 |
ASFLA Preconference Institute |
Education Development Centre, Hindmarsh, Adelaide, Australia | |
Sept. 29-Oct. 1 |
Australian SFL Association (ASFLA) Annual Conference |
Education Development Centre, Hindmarsh, Adelaide, Australia | |
October 5,6 |
Pre-conference Institute, ALSFAL Annual Conference |
Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil |
October 7-9 |
ALSFAL Annual Conference (Association of SFL in Latin American) |
Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil | 18 July, 2010
October 9, 10 |
JASFL 2010 Autumn Conference |
Niigata University, Niigata |
November 5 |
12th Discourse Analysis Conference, China |
Tongji University at Shanghai, China |
December 5 |
Oita Text Forum |
Oita, Japan | 31st October
Date |
Conference |
Location |
Deadline |
July 8-10
European SFL Conference and Workshop |
Cardiff, Wales, UK |
1st February 2009
July 10-12
pre-conference institute |
Beijing Normal University, China |
July 14-18
ISFC 2009 |
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China | March 31st, 2009
August 26-28
MUST-3: 3d Finnish Symposium on Functional Linguistics and Multisemiotics |
Helsinki, Finland | 26 June 2009
Sept. 28,29
ASFLA Pre-Conference Institite |
Queensland University of Technology (Kelvin Grove campus), Australia |
Sept. 30-Oct 2
Australian SFL Association (ASFLA) Annual Conference |
Queensland University of Technology (Kelvin Grove campus), Australia |
30 April 2009
November 2-7
ALSFAL Annual Conference (Association of SFL in Latin American) |
Mar del Plata, Argentina | July 30
December 5-7
Indonesian Systemics Society International Conference 2009 |
Malang, East Java, Indonesia | (Registration form)
Date |
Conference |
Location |
Deadline |
March 10-14 |
8th Chinese Systemics Week |
University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China |
April 19 |
JASFL 2008 Spring
Meeting |
Kyorin University, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo, Japan |
June 9, 10 |
Finnish Symposium on Functional Linguistics and
Multisemiotic Discourse Analysis (MUST-2) |
University of Helsinki, Helsinki |
June 11-13 |
European SFL
& Workshop |
Helsinki, Finland |
29 February |
June 30-July 5 |
School in Critical Discourse Analysis & Social Research |
Lancaster University, UK |
10 March 2008 |
July 4-6 |
Linguistics Association of Australia |
University of Sydney, Australia |
July 7-11 |
Australian Linguistics Institute |
University of Sydney |
July 10-11 |
Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines '08 |
University of Hertfordshire |
November 30 |
July 14-18 |
Winter Institute
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Registration open |
July 21-26 |
2008 |
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia |
July 30-Aug 1
International Conference on Multimodality |
Aug 13-15
2nd HCLS Conference - "Translation, Language Contact, and
Multilingual Communication" |
The Halliday Centre for Intelligent Applications of Language
Studies, City University of Hong Kong
18 April 2008 |
Aug 14-15
University of Malaya
Conference on Discourse and Society |
Petaling Jaya, Malaya
15 May 2008 |
August 18-22 |
11th Chinese National Conference on
Discourse |
Xiamen University, China |
Date |
Conference |
Location |
Submission Deadline |
June 16 |
JASFL Spring Workshop |
Mukogawa Women's University |
June 29-July 1 |
Australian SFL Conference |
University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia |
31 March 2007
July 4-6 |
1st Finnish Symposium on Functional Linguistics and
Multisemiotic Discourse Analysis |
University of Helsinki, Helsinki |
April 15, 2007. |
July 10-14 |
before ISFC 2007 |
Odense, Denmark |
July 16-20 |
2007 |
Odense, Denmark |
May 1, 2007 |
July 23-25 |
European Systemic Functional Linguistics
Conference and Workshop |
Saarbrücken, Germany |
Jan 31 2007 |
Oct. 6-7 |
1st Int.Sydney Free Linguistics Conference (FreeLing 2007) |
Sydney, Australia |
30 March 2007 |
October 20-21 |
JASFL Autumn Conference |
Ritsumeikan University, Biwako Kusatsu Campus, Shiga |
Aug 31
November 26-30 |
3th Congress of the SFL
Association of
Latin America (ALSFAL) |
Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla Mexico |
July 31, 2007 |
Nov. 29-Dec. 1 |
Discourses and Cultural Practices Conference |
University of Technology, Sydney |
July 30 |
Dec. 5-7 |
1st HCLS Conference on "Becoming a World Language: the
growth of Chinese, English and Spanish" |
City University of Hong Kong |
25 August |
Dec. 6-7 |
SYNLAC Workshop 2007: Language & Culture
University of Sydney |
October 31 |
December 10-12 |
margins: Reclaiming Meaning |
University of Sydney |
25 August |
International Systemic-Functional Congress
The Major Systemic Conference, held since the Seventies.
Past Conferences:
- 33rd ISFC 2006
(São Paulo, Brazil) Congress: 10-15 July;
Pre-conference institute: 6-8 July; Post-conference institute: 17-19
July. Venue: Catholic University, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Theme: SFL and
Interdisciplinary Dialogue. Convenor: Lelia Barbara.
- 32nd
Systemic-Functional Linguistics Congress, July 17-22, 2005
University of Sydney, Australia.
- 31st
Systemic-Functional Linguistics Congress, August 30-Sept 4,
Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan.
- 30th
IFSC 2003 (Lucknow, India), December 2003.
- 29th
IFSC 2002 (Liverpool University, UK), 15th - 19th July 2002.
Convener Geoff Thompson. Conference Theme: Systemic Linguistics and the
- 28th IFSC 2001
(Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada): Congress Theme: Systemic
Functional Grammar and Critical Discourse Analysis. Congress
dates: July 22-28, 2001. Inquiries:
In conjunction with the Systemic Functional Linguistics
Summer Institute, July 8-21, 2001. Carleton University, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada. Inquiries:
and Web:
Institute Directors: Young, Benson and Greaves. Institute Staff: Fahey,
Spinks, Benson, Greaves, Fries, Mohan, Downes. .
- 27th
ISFC 2000 (University
of Melbourne): Congress Theme: Traversing
SF Theory in New Contexts. 9th - 14th July, 2000. Organisers:
Christie, Graeme Baker & Kristina
- 26th
1999(Singapore): 20th-30th July. Contact Joe Foley
- 25th
(Cardiff, Wales): 13-18th July. Conference Theme: "Modelling language
Use". Pre-congress institute: 6-10 July 1998. Micharl Cummings
describes the conference here.
- 24th
ISFC 1997 (Toronto): July 21-25, 1997. Toronto, Canada. Theme:
How to Mean: transdisciplinary perspectives on language in context'. [Abstracts, CFP]
Euro-International Systemic Functional
A European branch of the school. Used to be known as the Nottingham
Workshops. In recent years, conferences have been in Nottingham (1992),
Madrid (1993), Antwerp (1994), Valencia (1995), Nottingham (1996),
(1997), Liverpool (1998), Gent (1999).
Past Conferences:
- 18th European
Functional Linguistics Conference & Workshop, July 20-22 2006,
Gorizia (Trieste), Italy
- 17th European
Functional Linguistics Conference & Workshop, Aug 1-4, 2005,
Kings College London, England.
- 16th
Systemic Workshop, July 28-31, 2004,
Miraflores del la Sierra, Madrid, Spain.
- 2003
Leeds: The 15th Euro-International Systemic Functional Linguistics
Workshop July 20-23rd 2003 School of Modern Language and Cultures,
University of Leeds, UK. Theme: "Contrast".
University Of Lisbon, Portugal. 24-27 July 2002.
Organisers: Carlos A. M. Gouveia, Cecília Lopes da Costa,
Emília Ribeiro Pedro, Luísa Azuaga, Sandra Barcelos.
Topic: "Issues in Language Description: Rethinking Systemic Functional
- Web:
- EISFW 2001:
July 16-19, 2001: Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest,
France. Conference Theme: "Text and Texture". Organisers: David Banks,
Simon Eason, Janet Ormrod. Email:
- EISFW2000
University, Scotland). July 19-22, 2000. Conference Theme: Systemic
Functional Linguistics, Computing and Corpus Studies. Organising
Florence Davies. For more details see: the
conference homepage.
- EISFW 99
(University of
Gent, Belgium): 14-17 July 1999. Theme: Metaphor In Systemic-Functional
Perspectives. For more information, see:
UK): Wednesday 22 - Saturday 25 July 1998. Organiser: Geoff Thompson.
Interpersonal Meanings and Systems. For more information, see:
97 (Halle, Germany): July 2-6, 1997. Organiser: Eija Ventola. To
attendee address list, click here.
To see photos taken at the conference, click here.
Australian Systemic Functional Linguistics
The Australian branch of the school. See their web-site here.
Recent meetings have been in Adelaide (??), Brisbane (1994), Sydney
Wollongong (1997), Adelaide (1998).
Past Meetings:
- 2002
Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. 5-7 July,
2002. Send abstracts of up to 300 words to
by March 31st, 2002. For more info, contact
See the brochure. ASFLA
Spring School and Conference: Spring School: (Tue pm) 28 September
- (Fri pm) 1 October 1999. Conference: (Fri am) 1 October - (Sun pm) 3
October 1999. Location: St Leo's College, University of Queensland,
Organisers: Margaret Albury ( and Lenore
Ferguson ( Web Site:
- Children's
Language: Conversations across disciplines, December 15, 16 17,
Sydney University.
- ASFLA-98:
28th - 30th September, The Centre for Applied Linguistics, University
South Australia. Organisers: John Polias (;
Brian Dare; John Walsh. Conference Theme: Consolidation, Connection,
- ASFLA-97:
3rd October - 5th October, University Of Wollongong Wollongong, N.S.W.,
Australia. Organiser:
- Held in conjunction with: ASFLA
Spring School, 29th September - 3rd October, University Of
Wollongong, N.S.W., Australia. Organiser: Kim Roser (
- Reading
Images Summer School: An interactive course focusing on the
and analysis of the relation between language and alternative modes of
representation. December 8-12, 1997. University of Sydney. For more
email: Jim Martin (
or RickIedema (
- Multimodal
Workshop: A workshop focusing on the relation between language and
alternative modalities of representation. December 15-17, 1997.
of Sydney. For more information, email: Jim Martin (
or RickIedema (
Chinese Systemic Workshop
The Chinese branch of the school. Alternates between the Chinese
Conference, and a conference on discourse analysis.
Past Conferences:
Japan Association of Systemic Functional
The Japanese branch of the school. Click here to
visit their web-page.
Past Meetings: