Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
28 July, 1999
Regional English Language Centre, Singapore
Baldry, Anthony: Caldow, Graham; Christie, Frances; Conduit, Anne; Derewianka, Bev; Fawcett, Robin; Foley, Joe; Fries, Nan; Fries, Peter; Funamoto, Horoshi; Greaves, William; Gruber, Helmut; Halliday, M.A.K.; Hart, Mike; Hartnett, Carolyn; Hori, Motoko; Hu, Zhuanglin; Janks, Hilary; Jenkins, Helen; Kakehi, Hisao; Lauerbach, Gerda; Lee, Benny; Lewin, Beverly; Lim, Lisa; Lukin, Annabelle; Martin, Jim; Matthiessen, Christian; Mohan, Bernie (Chair); Morapedi, S.; Mountford, John; Oshima, Makato; Pittman, Jenny; Ragan, Peter; Spence, Robert; Steiner, Erich; Taylor, Chris; Thibault, Paul; Turner, Geoffrey; Ventola, Eija; White, Peter.
1. Chairperson's remarks
Chair B. Mohan convened the meeting at 6:00 p.m., welcomed everyone
and invited convenor J. Foley to comment on the Congress.
- J. Foley noted the good attendance and the helpfulness of the R.E.L.C. with whom he had negotiated costs for the provision of meals and facilities; the local committee had dealt only with academic and financial aspects of the Congress. He did not make use of the international committee. He suggested that conferences be carefully scheduled to insure sufficient time between them - some Indian participation was lost due to the closeness of the preceding grammar conference in Hyderabad. The scholarships that the committee had passed out proved very helpful in bringing local students and participants from other countries. The Lee Foundation provided these scholarships. One non-systemicist was invited but declined to give a plenary.
Chair B. Mohan thanked Joe and the local committee for the excellent work they had done.
2. Constitution wording
Chair B. Mohan noted the need to approve previously agreed changes to the constitution regarding having several treasurers maintain accounts in different regions.
- Numerous suggestions were made (F. Christie, R. Fawcett, and E. Ventola) and discussed as to whether there should be a chief treasurer and regional treasurers or regional treasurers only. It was moved, seconded and passed without dissent that final wording be approved as follows (moved: P. Fries; seconded: F. Christie) (words in capital letters are section headings of the constitution):
(added to end of 1st paragraph) The association will maintain regional bank accounts.
(changes within the 2nd paragraph) The executive committee will consist of the following members:
- Chair
- Deputy Chair
- Membership Secretary
- Recording/correspondence Secretary
Added: Regional Treasurers
3. Election of new office bearers
Chair B. Mohan listed the members of the nominated executive committee and the five members of the elected international committee representing different regions of the world in office for 2000:
Executive Committee |
Chair: | Kristen Davidse
Deputy Chair: | Geoff Williams
Membership Secretary: | Nan Fries
Recording Secretary: | Peter Ragan
Treasurers: | Caroline Stainton (U.K.)
William Greaves (N. America)
Susan Feez (Australia)
International Committee |
Australia: | Louise Ravelli
N. America: | Michael Cummings
Germany: | Erich Steiner
Japan: | Masa-aki Tatsuki
U.K.: | Gordon Tucker
China: | Zhuanglin Hu (newly added - see below)
Discussion followed about the make-up of the International Committee:
- The constitution allows for six members; another member might be added
(R. Fawcett).
- It would be useful to have members representing a wider range of constituencies (F. Christie).
It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved that Professor Z. Hu
(China) be added to the international committee and the slate of nominees be approved (moved: F. Christie; seconded: M.A.K. Halliday).
4. Minutes of the last meeting
It was moved, seconded and unanimously passed that the minutes be approved as written. (moved: P. Fries; seconded: H. Jenkins).
5. Business arising from the minutes
6. Report on last meeting
Chair B. Mohan called on R. Fawcett, who reported on the following areas about the ISFC'98 in Cardiff:
- Attendance: Excellent
- Income: Levy of 10% on ISFC fees taken
- Budget: expenditures in excess of £20,000; profit approx. £2000, to be forwarded to U.K. treasurer
- Recommendation: funds be kept in reserve to use as advance support for Congresses
- Scholarships: 12 full participant scholarships provided including Africa (2), Pakistan (1) and China (2), and fees waived for approx. 24 participants.
7. Treasurer's report
Figures for all accounts were reported:
Australia | Aus. $ 9,679.35*
UK | U.K. £ 4,346.34
Canada | Can. $ 0
* Aus.$6,000 from this account is on loan as 'seed' money to Singapore (1999) and Australia (2000) Congresses. J. Foley added that remaining funds from Singapore '99 will be forwarded to the Australian account.
8. Upcoming conferences
Chair B. Mohan listed future conference venues for which formal invitations have been received and which have been set by the executive committee:
Year of ISFC | Venue
2000 | Melbourne
2001 | Ottawa
2002 | Liverpool
2003 | Hyderabad
2004 | Kyoto
2005 | Open
Chair B. Mohan invited members to discuss the choice and cycling of venues.
- Questioned cycle of countries as listed (J. Martin)
- Discussed the need to reflect developing areas of interest in systemics and therefore extending or otherwise modifying the cycle (F. Christie)
- Noted that ISFCs give boost to adjacent regions; possibility of having a Congress in an adjacent area/country (C. Matthiessen)
- Pointed to success of grammar conference in Hyderabad and growing interest in new areas, especially W. Africa, E. Europe; suggestion of four-year cycle for main venues with additional conferences held during the same year (R. Fawcett)
- Read and discussed letter of interest to hold a Congress in Mendoza, Argentina in late August or September (Spring) (E. Ventola): Experienced with conferences; large number of students and practitioners; sympathetic audience nearby in Chile; good wine; interest in having conference in near future as current interest is strong (2003?); B. Mohan and executive committee will check on firmness of dates in Hyderabad, and follow-up on this offer
- Noted growing interest in Vietnam (F. Christie)
- Stressed importance of location of main conferences and drawing power of pre-conference workshops (W. Greaves)
- Suggested a cycle of different countries (M. Hart)
- Reminded of importance of local body of students (P. Fries)
- Expressed concern by Japanese organizers of Kyoto 2004 of the effects of multiple conferences in 2003 and the likelihood that such conferences would decrease participation in Kyoto (H. Kakehi and M. Hori)
- Suggested 'zigzagging' Congresses around the world (E. Ventola)
- Considered strict rotation and bringing in other countries in other ways (Congresses plus other conferences) (R. Fawcett)
- Reminded of need to be able to draw on coterie of plenary speakers (H. Jenkins) and insure international participation if local support group is small (E. Ventola)
Chair B. Mohan assured the members that the executive committee would note these points for future planning; motion to approve list of venues passed with no dissenting votes.
F. Christie spoke on next year's Congress in Melbourne (2000) and
passed out a pamphlet describing and inviting participation in it (enquiries: She noted that the local committee has budgeted for bursaries but had made no plans for pre- or post-Congress institutes.
W. Greaves noted that the Congress in Ottawa (2001) will be preceded by a Summer School of Systemics on 8-21 July with the Congress being held on 22-28 July. Lynne Young will be the convenor.
9. Announcements of new publications
Recording secretary P. Ragan asked that all notifications of new
publications be forwarded in writing to him, preferably by e-mail,, or alternatively by snail mail (Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 600 S. Clyde Morris Boulevard, Daytona Beach, FL 32114, U.S.A.), for inclusion in these minutes (or, if late, as an addendum to the minutes), which will be circulated on the systemics web page.
10. Any other business
F. Christie called for a vote of thanks and appreciation for the many contributions to ISFLA of outgoing officers Chair B. Mohan and Recording Secretary Carolyn Hartnett; unanimously approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
Peter H. Ragan
Recording Secretary