Minutes of Annual General Meeting
16 July 1998, Cardiff
Bernie Mohan read a statement from Fran Christie and Geoff Williams, reporting on the Australian account. Susan Feez has become Treasurer of the International account, taking over from Robert Veel and thus separating the roles of the Australian Association and the International Association treasurers. There is $8,000 in the International Account in Australia, assuming $3,000 is returned from the Toronto Congress. The 2000 ISFC in Melbourne will be given $3,000 seeding money, and a similar amount will be made available to the 1999 Singapore Committee if necessary.
Bill Greaves reported that the Toronto conference ran about $1000 short, to be accommodated from the British seed money. Bill Greaves and Paul Tench reported on the new policy of using 10% of the income to bursaries for scholarships of various sizes; there are problems in being unable to predict how much money will be available.
July 5-16, 1999 in Toronto -- a two-week summer institute on Systemic Functional Linguistics for grad school credit or non-credit, with lectures and a lot of small group tutorial work. For information, contact Bill Greaves (greaves@delphi.glendon.yorku.ca).
12-20 July 1999 in Hyderabad, India, at the Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages -- International Seminar-cum-workshop on English Grammar III. Faculty of leading linguists from all over the world will deal with different aspects of the English language: phonology, morphology, lexicogrammar, stylistics, pedagogical linguistics, and computational linguistics. Write to Professor V Prakasam, Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages, Hyderabad 500007, India (prakasam@ciefl.ernet.in). (See call for journal articles below.) Australian Systemic Functional Linguistics Association will meet 28-30 September 1998 at the University of South Australia in Adelaide. For information check the website at http://www.adelaide.net.au/~jpolias/ASFLA/
English as a Conference Language, 15-17 January 1999, Wittenberg, announced by Eija Ventola, Martin-Luther University, Institut Anglistik/Amrikanishe, D-06099 Halle Sacele, Germany, (ventola@anglistik.uni-halle.de). The deadline for abstracts has been extended until the end of September.
ISFC 2000 in Melbourne: Graeme Baker invited participants 9-14 July 2000 for the theme, "Traversing Boundaries: SF Theory in New Contexts." Inquiries can be addressed to (isfc27@edfac/unimelb/edu/au).
ISFC 2001, tentatively the middle or last two weeks in July, on rhetoric and critical topics, at Carleton University campus in Canada's capital city, Ottawa, chaired by Lynne Young.
ISFC 2002 or 2003: V. Prakasam submitted a written invitation for 2002 or 2003 in Hyderabad, India. (See publication opportunities below.)
Evaluation in Text: authorial stance and the construction of discourse by Susan Hunston and Geoff Thompson is to appear early 1999 through Oxford University Press. Also coming soon is Collins COBUILD Grammar Patterns 2: Nouns & Adjectives. Cobuild Ltd, Birmingham. 608 pp. HB 0 00 375068-X £40.00, PB 0 00 375067-1 £20.00.
Occasional Papers in Systemic Linguistics, Volume 8,. includes articles by Vande Kopple, Carretero, Romero and Soria, Morley, Ghadessy, and Gledhill. Other coming monographs are Categories of Experiential Grammar by Kristin Davidse, Metaphor, Mode, and Complexity: an Exploration of Co-Varying Patterns by Louise Ravelli, Text and Contextual Conditioning in Spoken English: A Genre-Based Approach by Guenter Plum, and Speaking Self and Other: Tenor and the Semiotics of Social Relations by Cate Poynton. Order from the Department of English Studies, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK.
Robin Fawcett noted that five books published by Cassell would be launched at the conference banquet, with conference discounts: Summary Justice: Judges Address Juries by Paul Robertshaw, 210 pp, £ 45:00, with a special conference price of £39.00. Pedagogy and the Shaping of Consciousness: Linguistic and Social Processes by Frances Christie, HB 0304 70228 5, £ 36.00 Lexicogrammar of Adjectives: A Functional Approach to Lexis by Gordon H. Tucker. HB 0304 33903 2, £33.00. Systemic Functional Grammar and Natural Language Processing by Elke Teich: HB 0 304 70168 8, £32.00 Learning through Language in Early Childhood by Clair Painter. HB 0 304 70056 8, £ 32.00
Robin, as a representative from Cassell, also asked for five or six topical anthologies, perhaps papers selected from several years of meetings and workshops. He is willing to serve as a clearinghouse for proposals for Cassell and other publishers, (fawcett@cf.ac.uk).
V Prakasam called for papers for Issues in English Grammar, volumes II to V, to be issued 12 July 1999. Chapters of 15 to 50 pages should be sent before 1 January 1999 to editors: Professor V Prakasam, Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages, Hyderabad 500007, India, or KV Tirumalesh. E-mail (prakasam@ ciefl.ernet.in). He would also like to celebrate ISFC's 30th anniversary by publishing 30 paperback books of 100 to 250 pages. Manuscripts should be sent at least one year in advance to Professor V Prakasam.. (See also his announcements of a workshop in 1999 and a later ISFC30 above.)
Organizer Paul Tench asked for discussion of the schedule without lunch or tea breaks versus reducing the number of parallel sessions, which would mean tightening the reviewing. Sessions during lunch time were poorly attended. Joe Foley announced that in 1999 a Singapore hotel would require a fixed lunch and tea time break, but there would be no Wednesday break for excursions.
Communications are still a problem for locations without e-mail. Although printouts of the web site are mailed to them, they never got through to Nigeria. Also, because of the difficulty getting and sending books to Africa, participants are urged to contribute extra books or the libraries of retirees to be hand carried. Send materials to either Ayooluwa Banji, Centre for Language and Communication Research, Cardiff CFI 3XB (banjita@cf.ac.uk) or Ernest S. Akerejola, Universite Gaston Berger de Saint Louis, BP 234 St Louis, Senegal, West Africa (akerejol@louis.univ-stl.sn)
Lynne Young and V Prakasam moved to adjourn the meeting, and agreement was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted, with thanks to all those who helped insure the accuracy of these minutes,
Please send any corrections to (hartnett@compuserve.com).
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