*Minutes of ISFLA Annual General Meeting

Date: 14th July. 2006

Place: Pontificia Universidade Católica de Sao Paulo


Attendance: Francis Lin, Geoff Thompson, Louise Ravelli, Viviana Heberle, Bradley Smith, Abhishek Kumar, Tania Sheperd, David Sheperd, Lachlan Mackenzie, Helen Jenkins, Thomas Hestabaek Andersen, Flemming Smedegaard, Mira Kim, Caroline Coffin, Kieran O’Halloran, Tammy Gales, Mariana Achugar, Maurice Warel, Rodney Williamson, Samiah Hassan, Griselda Bombelli, Lidia Soler, Solange Castro, Liliana Anglada, Ingrid Westhoff, Paola Parra, Gillian Moss, Carlos Gouveia, María Lirola, José Luis Meurer, Alexander Peng, Célia Magalhaes, David Rose, Cristiane Tuzer, Luciano Ticks, Valeria Bortoluzzi, Roseli Goncalves do Nascimento, Márcia Assumpcao, Tom Bartlett, María Paula Salvador Wadt, Robin Fawcett, Frances Christie, Heloisa Collins, Estela Moyano, Liliana Poj, Leila Barbara and Cecilia Colombi.


Meeting declared open (Cecilia Colombi, ISFLA Chair) – 12:15 pm


1. Apologies: Wendy L. Bowcher, Beverly Derewianka, Fang Yan, Bernard Mohan, Mick O’Donnell, Mary Schleppegrell, Geoff Williams.


2. Minutes of ISFLA  Annual General Meeting - University of Sydney, 2005.



3.   Chair’s report

Cecilia Colombi thanked everyone for the support to the present Conference at Sao Paulo.


4.   Constitutional Amendments


   a. Regarding the Number of Regional Representatives

Proposer: Robin Fawcett


Proposal: That the constitution be changed from:


“The elected Committee will consist of SIX members of the Association elected from different regions of the world.”


To read:


“The elected Committee will consist of NINE members of the Association elected from different regions of the world.”


Discussion: The motivation behind the proposed change is to allow for representatives from unrepresented regions with expanding ISFLA membership, in particular, Latin America, India and Africa.


Leila Barbara asked whether the new three members will be chosen from any region, or whether there were further specifications. She asked which the regions not represented were.


Frances Christie suggested that they should be nominated by the committee. She asked how representatives of associations would call for a representative.

Robin Fawcett proposed they should be elected at each regional meeting.


There is a request that the Motion is repeated .

Geoff Thompson asked to go ahead with the agreed point asking three regions to appoint representatives and ask the committee to come next year with a better idea as how the different regional representatives should be elected.


Both Motions carried


    b. Regarding the Procedure for modification of the constitution.


Proposer: Mick O'Donnell

Rationale: “The current clause regarding how the constitution can be changed is somewhat vague. The proposal below hopes to make the procedure clearer.”


Proposal: That the constitution be changed from:


            Any proposal to modify or dissolve the Constitution must come from the Committee or from at least half of the current members.


To read:


            Any proposal to modify or dissolve the Constitution can come from a Committee member or ordinary members. The proposal will be voted on at the           AGM and accepted if at least two thirds of those present vote for the change. .


Discussion: In place of a 2/3 majority, we could use either a simple majority (>50%) or require unanimity.


Frances Christie spoke in favour of the proposal. She proposes simple majority, not two thirds. She claimed one could get too tied up as to how many people should vote.  After some discussion about it, the original motion was carried forward to the participants for their vote.


Motion carried.


5. Report on the Current Congress

Leila Barbara highlighted the presence of the international guests who attended the conference. There were about 265 papers submitted  to the conference. She believed there were more than 250 attendants. There were many students present. People came from different parts of the world, including Australia, England, The United States, India, Spain, Denmark, China, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Chile.


Tha organisation offered three full grants and two half grants. Leila Barbara said they were very willing to help as many scholars as possible.


6. Treasurers’ Reports


Robin Fawcett (UK).                       Balance:   3000 GBP 

            He said it is a good cushion for future work

Bradley Smith (Australia).             Balance: 26000 AUD

            He commented there was a lot of money available in his account. He suggested that we should consider leaving some amount available for supporting different projects like scholars bursaries, supporting emerging associations to bring well-known scholars, etc.


7. Future Congresses


7.1. Congress in Odense-2007

Cecilia Colombi pointed out that during the closing ceremony there would be an extensive presentation of the Congress at Odense, Denmark.


7.2. Change of dates; 2008-2009 Beijing – Sydney

Christian Matthiessen proposed to switch dates for the congresses in Beijing and Sydney. Beijing had been proposed for the year 2008, but the Olympic Games are going to be held that year. Unfortunately, the Olympics did not accept a change of site)  C. Matthiessen proposed to have the congress in 2008 in Sydney and in 2009 in Beijing.


Proposal accepted


7.3. Congress in Vancouver 2010

Geoff Williams is not present so he could not give the details of the congress.


7.4. Congress in 2011: Bid from Portugal

Carlos Gouveia offered Portugal as the site for 2011 congress.


8.   Reports from Regional and National Associations and Conference.


Gillian Moss comments on the Latin American Association (LASFLA) and said that it is already on the net.


China: They had the 8th week of Chinese Functiona  Systemic Linguistics Meeting.


India: It is a very active area. They have received visits of David Rose, Robin Fawcett and Christian Matthiessen. On behalf of the association he commented that congresses had always been successful.


Meeting closed at 1:20 pm.


These minutes are submitted by Samiah Hassan and Paola Parra (August, 2006)