Minutes of ISFLA Annual
General Meeting
Date: 21st
July. 2005
Attendance: Ernest Akerejola Mehrangiz Anvarhaghighi,
Graeme Baker,
Anthony Baldry, Leila Barbara, Diana ben-Aaron, Wendy L. Bowcher, David
Cecilia Colombi, Michael Cummings, Beverly Derewianka, Fang Yan, Robin
Folashade A. Frank, Carlos A.M. Gouveia, M.A.K. Halliday, Helen
Shisheng Liu, Kristina Love, Annabelle Lukin, Christian M.I.M.
Bernard Mohan, Gillian Moss, Mick O’Donnell, Clare Painter, Uwe Helm
Louise Ravelli, Mary Schleppegrell, Mark Shum, Bradley Smith, Elke
Teich, Paul
Thibault, Tran Thi Hong Van, Kathryn Tuckwell, Peter R.R. White, Geoff
Williams, Canzhong Wu, Lianrin Yang, Delu Zhang.
declared open (Geoff Williams, ISFLA Chair) –
1. Apologies: F. Christie, R. Fahey, Guowen Huang, M. Tatsuki, H. Tebble, G. Tucker.
2. Minutes of the AGM,
3. Chair’s Report
Geoff Williams, the outgoing ISFLA Chair thanked everyone for their support over the past three years. He emphasized that the committee had collaborated well.
issue that he felt needed addressing by the new committee was
that of the 10% of conference fees to be used for funding participants
developing countries. In 2005, 13,000
AUD was used for this purpose.
Contributions from ASFLA and
Issues specifically related to the 10% fund are
· the difficulty of pre-calculating how much is available
· the difficulty of pre-calculating how much is available also presents a problem with regard to how much time participants from developing countries have for applying for visas.
· the possibility of using 10% from the previous year’s congress. This would take the strain off planning committees as they would know from the start how much is available.
Geoff suggested that the 10% fund be an active topic of discussion for the new committee.
briefly mentioned that this year was the first year that funds
from the Marilyn Mohan scholarship were used to fund a participant from
developing country. This year’s
participant was Sukdev Singh from
4. Constitutional
1. a. delete ‘Immediate Past Chair’
b. insert ‘Immediate Past ISFLA Chair, the Immediate Past Congress Chair’
2. a. delete:
“…In addition, the Executive will maintain contact during the year dealing with any issues and/or emergencies that arise”
b. insert:
“…In addition, the Committee will maintain contact during the year dealing with any issues and/or emergencies that arise”
5. Election of the
Executive and Committee, 2005-2008
Bernard Mohan asked if there were any more nominations from the floor.
Moss suggested that we have a representative from
O’Donnell suggested that the number of members of the committee
was not necessarily fixed. Mary
Schleppegrell suggested that we add an ex-officio member from
Bernard Mohan again asked if there were any more nominations. No further nominations were offered. Therefore, the following nominations were put forward:
Chair: Cecilia Colombi
Deputy Chair: Fang Yan
Membership Secretary: Mick O’Donnell
Recording Secretary: Wendy Bowcher
Fawcett (
Mary Schleppegrell (nth
Bradley Smith (
Leila Barbara moved that the nominations be accepted.
Michael Halliday seconded.
Motion Carried.
6. Report on the Current
Williams reported on Jim Martin’s behalf. The
conference attracted over 200 participants
with about 280 participants on Wednesday at the Language in Education
day. As for the conference funds, it
appears there
will be a surplus, particularly as one of the scholarship recipients (Andrea
had to withdraw.
Geoff suggested that the leftover funds could be used to invite
scholars to the
Fang Yan asked whether Jim or anyone else who had previously planned a conference could provide a list of problems and needs for those planning future conferences. Geoff said that there will be a statement of income and expenditure that would be passed on to future conference organizers. He said that there is a set of notes from Nan Fries and Mick’s notes which give some indication of a timeline for getting things done.
Kristina Love asked whether there was any way in which the Language in Education day could be evaluated in terms of its effectiveness for teachers.
Geoff said that he would raise this point with the committee.
Gillian Moss asked about the procedure for inviting scholarship recipients. Geoff said that a sub-committee of the congress organising committee had taken care of that. Key people in certain regions were asked for nominations. Also, the Marilyn Mohan Scholarship fund specifies regions, so this was also helpful in deciding regions. There were people from some regions who had expressed an interest in the fund. Furthermore, some strategic actions, consultations, and expressions by local committee members about who could be invited were considered.
Robin said that at the conference he organized they made a general invitation so that anyone could apply and the committee assessed the applications. Geoff said that last year only men were invited, so the committee was conscious this year of ensuring a gender balance.
7. Treasurers’ Reports
Three accounts are maintained by ISFLA. These accounts have no connection with any local association accounts.
8. Future Congresses
a. 2006,
Leila Barbara gave the conference dates as: 10th July – 17th July, with an institute 3 days before and 3 days after the conference.
welcomed all international guests to attend the conference. She also reported that scholars in
b. 2007,
Helm Peterson reported on the progress of the conference to be
held in
There will be a summer school before the conference. The working Theme of the conference is SFL in Use.
c. 2008
Yan reported on the progress of the conference to be held in
d. 2009,
Dates yet to be decided, but probably around the middle of July.
e. 2010, (
May be at
Cummings moved that the 2010 conference be in
9. The Marilyn Mohan
Scholarship Fund (Kathryn Tuckwell, Geoff Williams)
Tuckwell reported that the first disbursement of 1,000AUD
from this fund had been made and that as of
10. The
Geoff Williams reported on behalf of Geoff Thompson.
Geoff thanked Mick O’Donnell for bringing the pre-ordered stock to the conference for conference participants to pick up.
forms for the
11. Reports from regional
and National Associations and Conference
Time was running short so the AGM only heard from two regional representatives. Mehrangiz Anvarhaghighi was formally thanked for her role in the formation of an Iranian SFL association.
Gillian Moss agreed to write a report on the Latin American association and distribute it via email.
12. Conference
Publications (Christian Matthiessen)
Christian Matthiessen reported that proceedings from the Computational Systemic Functional Grammar Conference would be published on-line.
Some suggestions regarding the mechanisms for publications arising from the conference need to be considered by the new committee as there is a recent trend for some institutions to only allow scholars to participate if there is a possibility of a publication.
13. Miscellanea
Geoff thanked Mick O’Donnell for his work in keeping the ISFLA website up to date.
Geoff extended best wishes to the new committee.
closed at
minutes respectfully submitted by Wendy L. Bowcher. (August,
APPENDIX: Report on SFL Development in